We most used Ajax requests the following snippet of code will make your life easier. Mootools “Request” function is used in this code. The next article in this function we’ll see how ASP.NET.
Sensei = {}; Sensei.Send = function(URL, fName, prms, retryCount, OnComplete) { if (retryCount == null) retryCount = 0; var jsonRequest = new Request( { 'encoding' : 'utf-8', method: 'post', url: URL, onComplete: OnComplete, onFailure: function(){ if(retryCount<3) Sensei.Send(URL, fName, prms, OnComplete, retryCount++); }, }).send('m=' + fName + '&' + prms); };
How to use :
Sensei.send("service/serviceurl.ashx","doIt","cId=5&bId=5",0, function(result){ alert(result); });
1 Response to Easy javascript AJAX with Mootools
August 14th, 2012 at 00:31
[…] […]